Multi-sensor Fusion to Determine Climate Sensitivity of Agricultural Intensification in South Asia

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Project Documents

Year Authors Type Title
2021 Ruth DeFries Publications Mondal, P., DeFries, R., Clark, J., Flowerhill, N., Arif, M., Harou, A., Downs, S., & Fanzo, J. (2021). Multiple cropping alone does not improve year-round food security among smallholders in rural India. Environmental Research Letters, 16(6), 065017.
2020 Gillian Galford
Meha Jain
Ruth DeFries
Publications Mondal, P., Jain, M., Zukowski, M., Galford, G., DeFries, R. Quantifying fluctuations in winter cropped area in the Central Indian Highland landscape. Regional Environmental Change (Special Issue on Central India).
2017 Pinki Mondal
Gillian Galford
Ruth DeFries
Publications Jain, M., Mondal, P., Galford, G.L., Fiske, G. and DeFries, R.S., 2017. An Automated Approach to Map Winter Cropped Area of Smallholder Farms across Large Scales Using MODIS Imagery. Remote Sensing, 9(6), p.566.
2015 Annual Progress Report Progress Report: Multi-sensor Fusion to Determine Agricultural Sensitivity to Climate Variability in South Asia
2015 Christopher Small
Gillian Galford
Meha Jain
Ruth DeFries
Publications Mondal, P., Jain, M., DeFries, R., Galford, G., Small, C. 2015. Sensitivity of crop cover to climate variability: Insights from two Indian agro-ecoregions. Journal of Environmental Management 148, 21-30.
2014 Christopher Small
Gillian Galford
Meha Jain
Ruth DeFries
Publications Mondal, P., Jain, M., Robertson, A., Galford, G., Small, C., DeFries, R. 2014. Winter crop sensitivity to inter-annual climate variability in central India. Climatic Change 126, 61-76.
2013 Christopher Small
Gillian Galford
Pinki Mondal
Ruth DeFries
Publications Jain, M., Mondal, P., DeFries, R., Small, C., Galford, G. 2013. Mapping cropping intensity of smallholder farms: a comparison of methods using multiple sensors. Remote Sensing of Environment 134, 210-223.
2013 Christopher Small
Gillian Galford
Pinki Mondal
Program Presentation Multi-sensor Fusion to Determine Agricultural Sensitivity to Climate Variability in South Asia
2012 Christopher Small
Gillian Galford
Upmanu Lall
Meha Jain
Annual Progress Report Annual Progress Report: Multi-sensor Fusion to Determine Climate Sensitivity of Agricultural Intensification in South Asia