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2004 Science Team Meeting

Meeting Presentations

Title Presenter Institution
Agricultural Land Use and the Transformation of Planet Earth: Investigating the Effects of Land Use Practices on the Ecological, Biogeochemical and Hydrological Systems of the Planet Michael Coe The Woods Hole Research Center
Burned Area Mapping in Southern Africa: Case Study Synthesis and Regional Application of MODIS Data David Roy Michigan State University
Carbon in the Southern Appalachians Paul Bolstad University of Minnesota
Climate Change Science Program Land Use and Land Cover Change Research Initiative Tom Loveland U.S. Geological Survey
Climate Stability of the MesoAmerican Biological Corridor Deepak Ray
Decadal to Millennial Impacts of LCLUC on the Nubian Aquifer System, Saharan Africa Mohamed Sultan Western Michigan University
Exploring 20 Years of Eurasia NPP Changes Associated with Land-Cover/Land-Use Change Dennis Ojima H. John Heinz III Center for Science, Economics and the Environment
GOFC/GOLD (Global Observations of Forest Cover/Global Observations of Land Cover Dynamics): A Status Report John Townshend University of Maryland, College Park
Incorporating Globe Data into a Remotely-Sensed Change Detection Analysis of Androscoggin County, Maine Russell Congalton University of New Hampshire
Integrated Regional Climate Study With a Focus on the Land-Use Land-CoverChange and Associated Changed in Hydrological Cycles in the South Eastern United States Roger Pielke University of Colorado