2004 Science Team Meeting

Meeting Presentations
Title | Presenter | Institution |
Agricultural Land Use and the Transformation of Planet Earth: Investigating the Effects of Land Use Practices on the Ecological, Biogeochemical and Hydrological Systems of the Planet | Michael Coe | The Woods Hole Research Center |
Burned Area Mapping in Southern Africa: Case Study Synthesis and Regional Application of MODIS Data | David Roy | Michigan State University |
Carbon in the Southern Appalachians | Paul Bolstad | University of Minnesota |
Climate Change Science Program Land Use and Land Cover Change Research Initiative | Tom Loveland | U.S. Geological Survey |
Climate Stability of the MesoAmerican Biological Corridor | Deepak Ray | |
Decadal to Millennial Impacts of LCLUC on the Nubian Aquifer System, Saharan Africa | Mohamed Sultan | Western Michigan University |
Exploring 20 Years of Eurasia NPP Changes Associated with Land-Cover/Land-Use Change | Dennis Ojima | H. John Heinz III Center for Science, Economics and the Environment |
GOFC/GOLD (Global Observations of Forest Cover/Global Observations of Land Cover Dynamics): A Status Report | John Townshend | University of Maryland, College Park |
Incorporating Globe Data into a Remotely-Sensed Change Detection Analysis of Androscoggin County, Maine | Russell Congalton | University of New Hampshire |
Integrated Regional Climate Study With a Focus on the Land-Use Land-CoverChange and Associated Changed in Hydrological Cycles in the South Eastern United States | Roger Pielke | University of Colorado |
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