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2006 Spring Science Team Meeting

Meeting Presentations

Title Presenter Institution
Mapping Desert Grassland Community Type with EOS MISR Multi-angle Data and SVM algorithms Mark Chopping Montclair State University
Methods for cloud-and gap-filling Landsat data using regression trees Eric Brown de Colstoun NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
NASA LCLUC Science Team Meeting Programmatic Presentation - April 2006 Garik Gutman NASA Headquarters
Fires in Eurasia and South America Ivan Csiszar NOAA
IGOL: The land theme integrated global observations for land John Townshend University of Maryland, College Park
GOFC-GOLD overview John Townshend University of Maryland, College Park
Wildfire impacts on carbon stocks and exchanges in forests of central Siberia: Quantifying effects of fire intensity, fire severity, and burning conditions Susan Conard USDA Forest Service