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2018 NASA LCLUC Spring Science Team Meeting

Mark your calendars for the annual LCLUC science team meeting to take place at Marriott Washingtonian Center (Rio), located in Gaithersburg, MD. 

This LCLUC Science Team meeting will consist of presentations from the LCLUC Science Team members funded for research on LCLUC in South Asia and Synthesis (ROSES 2015 Selections), and posters of recent results from other ongoing LCLUC research including LCLUC-relevant projects under other programs, such as Inter-Disciplinary Science, Carbon Cycle, Students Fellowships and New Investigator Programs. The third day will focus on the final results from the 2014 LCLUC Multisource land Imaging (MuSLI) initiative, recent MuSLI proposal selections and future interactions with the Landsat Science Team. 

Although the LCLUC Science Team Meetings are focused on the research activities of the current science team members (P.I.'s, Co-I's and grad students working on funded projects, other NASA-funded land cover land use related projects (e.g. IDS, Carbon, NIP, Applied Sciences, etc.) and our partner programs, the meetings are open to those interested in the LCLUC program. We especially welcome alumni from previously-funded LCLUC projects, and LCLUC partners and collaborators to attend our Science Team Meetings, Those planning on attending should register early for the meeting via the registration link which is provided on this page. There is no registration fee. The number of attendees for each meeting is capped based on the size of the meeting rooms and for this reason, we discourage unregistered walk-ins. For our regional LCLUC meetings we encourage attendance by LCLUC PI's and their collaborators who are working in the region.  

A poster viewing session preceeded by rapid 1.5 minute poster introductions will take place on the first day. Poster space is limited and thus early poster registration is suggested with priorty given to invited poster presenters (with remaining space given to others interested to present on their work of interest to the LCLUC community). We are soliciting poster presentations with rapid 1-2minute introductions from LCLUC-funded SARI projects, LCLUC Caucasus projects, LCLUC student and LCLUC-related NESSF projects, LCLUC-related New Investigators, LCLUC-related IDS and carbon projects. Posters size is limited to maximum of 4ft by 6ft with a recommended size of 3ft by 5ft. Presenters are responsible for printing their own posters. 


To view a list of the day-1 poster presentations, please click here:

To view a list of the day-3 MuSLI & Landsat 8 STM presentations, please click here:​

To view a selection of pictures from the meeting, please click here:

Meeting Presentations

Title Presenter Institution
Regionally Specific Drivers of Land-Use Transitions and Future Scenarios: A Synthesis Considering the Land Management Influence in the Southeastern US Valerie Thomas Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Assessing the Extent and Drivers of Forest Plantation Establishment in Andhra Pradesh Randolph Wynne Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Landsat Time-series Derived 30-m Cropland Extent Product in Support of Food and Water Security Prasad Thenkabail USGS (attn.: Dr. Prasad S. Thenkabail)
Synthesis of Drivers, Patterns, and Trajectories of LCLUC in Island Ecosystems Stephen Walsh University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Impacts of afforestation on sustainable livelihoods in rural communities in India Forrest Fleischman University of Minnesota
The Future of Food Security in India: Can Farmers Adapt to Environmental Change? Meha Jain University of Michigan
LCLUC Science Team Meeting Agenda Christopher Justice University of Maryland, College Park
Understanding the role of land cover / land use nexus in malaria transmission under changing socio-economic climate in Myanmar Tatiana Loboda University of Maryland
Multi-sensor imaging of tree and water cover time-series at continental to global scales Joseph Sexton University of Maryland
Landscapes in flux: the influence of demographic change and institutional mechanisms on land cover change, climate adaptability and food security in rural India Aditya Singh University of Florida