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International Regional Meeting on Dryland Processes in Central Asia Under the auspices of the International Geosphere-Biosphere

Meeting Focus

Meeting Presentations

Title Presenter Institution
The role of remote sensing in irrigation monitoring and management Mutlu Ozdogan University of Wisconsin
The NASA LCLUC program and the drylands focus Christopher Justice University of Maryland, College Park
The NASA land-cover/land use change (LCLUC) program: Linkages to NEESPI drylands component Garik Gutman NASA Headquarters
The global water system project (GWSP): Focus on drylands Alexander Shiklomanov University Of New Hampshire
Some approaches to nature ecosystem monitoring by space information implementation on the Balkhash pasture area example Lyubov Lebed Kazakh Research Institute for Ecology and Climate
Recent advances in dynamic vegetation modeling for dry regions Xubin Zeng University of Arizona
Prolonged dry episodes over Northern Eurasia and Northern America: New tendancies emerging during the last 40 years Pavel Groisman UCAR Project Scientist at NCDC
Overview of hydrological studies over dry regions in China Changming Liu Chinese Acadamy of Sciences
Overview of dryland recent finding and new development in China Xi Chen Chinese Acadamy of Sciences
Northern Eurasia earth science partnership Pavel Groisman UCAR Project Scientist at NCDC

Training Description