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NASA Land-Cover and Land-Use Change Science Team Meeting

Meeting Presentations

Title Presenter Institution
A simple and novel algorithm for large-scale mapping of evergreen forests in tropical America, Africa and Asia Xiangming Xiao University of Oklahoma
Anthropogenic biomes: A new model for an old biosphere Erle Ellis UMBC
Biomass-NDVI-LAI Patterns and Relationships on the Yamal Peninsula, Russia Howard Epstein University of Virginia
Catalog of worldwide test sites for sensor characterization Gyanesh Chander USGS
CEOS WGCV land product validation update Joanne Nightingale Innovim LLC
CEOS WGISS update: Invited presentation to LCLUC science team Martha Maiden Office of Earth Science
Changing Climate, Landcover and Water Resources in the Mountains of Central Asia over the last 60 years Vladimir Aizen University of Idaho
Climate and Snow/Glacier Water Resources Changes in central Asia in the last 50 years based on remote sensed and in-situ data Vladimir Aizen University of Idaho
Critical land climate observations Compton Tucker NASA
Cropland data layers, 2008 states Rick Mueller USDA