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Workshop on Land Cover Land Use Change, Southeast Asia

Meeting Presentations

Title Presenter Institution
Retrieval of PolSAR and InSAR based information for Land Use Land Cover Classification Nguyen Ba Duy Hanoi University of Mining and Geology
Remote sensing to reduce uncertainty in environmental policy in SE Asia Dan Friess National University of Singapore
REDD+ Activities in Lao Sithong Thongmanivong National University of Laos
Radiometric performance and quality assessment of Chinese satellite data for land cover/use mapping Shunlin Liang University of Maryland
Potential Application of Hyperspectral Technology fo Forest Carbon Detection Toward MRV System and REDD+ Muhammad Evri The Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology, Indonesia
Perspectives on LCLUC (Land Cover Land Use Change) Research Priorities in China He-Qing Huang
Online Time Series Analysis of Land Products over Asia Monsoon Region via Giovanni Suhung Shen NASA
Multi?scale and multi?sensor analysis of urban cluster development and agricultural land loss in China and India Qingling Zhang Yale University
MODIS and VIIRS Vegetation Indices and Validation Tomoaki Miura University of Hawaii
MODIS and Landsat Regional Products-example of Indonesia forest monitoring Matthew Hansen University of Maryland, College Park