Welcome to LCLUC

Welcome to the NASA Land-Cover and Land-Use Change (LCLUC) Program website. LCLUC is an interdisciplinary science program in the Earth Science Division of the Science Mission Directorate. LCLUC is part of the Carbon Cycle and Ecosystems Focus Area with links to some programs in other Focus Areas.

LCLUC Science Team Meeting Schedule

Date Location
11/05/2011 Hanoi, Vietnam
10/03/2011 Alexandria, Virginia
03/28/2011 Adelphi, Maryland
08/25/2010 Tartu, Estonia

Featured Project

Principal Investigator: Grant Connette

Mangrove forests are biodiverse ecosystems found in the intertidal zones of tropical and sub-tropical regions.

Geographic distribution of project team members institutions

Geographic Areas of Research Projects

Geographic distribution of Hotspots


International Global Programs

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Regional Programs

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Satellite Programs

landsat_logo  modisland_logo  india_logo  opernicus_logo  gistda_logo  CBERS_logo  JAXA_logo  CEOS_logo