The Carbon Cycle and Ecosystems (CC&E) focus area is an umbrella under which four program elements (Land-Cover and Land-Use Change, Ocean Biology and Biogeochemistry, Terrestrial Ecology and Biological Diversity) provide knowledge of the interactions of global biogeochemical cycles and terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems with global environmental change and the implications for Earth's climate, productivity, and natural resources. This event will combine input and community members from these programs and their Applied Sciences counterpart program, Ecological Conservation, which takes research capability built from CC&E and develops it into decision making capability for conservation agents and land managers.
The Joint Science Workshop (JSW) general sessions will occur on Wednesday and Thursday. Synthetic talks in plenary will address five themes:
- Human Influence on Global Ecosystems
- Climate Change Impacts
- Disturbance, Resilience, Mitigation, and Adaptation
- Research to Applications
- Future Research Directions
Individual program team meetings and relevant workshops will be held before and after the JSW general sessions.
- Biological Diversity & Ecological Conservation (BDEC): May 8-9 (2 days)
- Ocean Biology and Biogeochemistry (OBB): May 8-9 (2 days)
- Land-Cover and Land-Use Change (LCLUC): May 8-9 (2 days)
- Terrestrial Ecology (TE): May 9 (1 day)
- Marine Biodiversity Observation Network (MBON): May 12 (1 day)
- NASA Data & Compute Resources Half-Day: May 12 (morning only)
Who can attend? A science team meeting for principal investigators, co-investigators, collaborators, stakeholders and students funded through NASA's Carbon Cycle and Ecosystems focus area programs (Land-Cover and Land-Use Change, Ocean Biology and Biogeochemistry, Terrestrial Ecology and Biological Diversity), as well as Ecological Conservation and MBON, that provides an opportunity to share scientific research results and foster interdisciplinary interactions.