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2016 LCLUC Spring Science Team Meeting (18-19 April) and MuSLI Science Team Meeting (20-21 April)

Meeting Presentations

Title Presenter Institution
GOFC-GOLD LC-IT 2016 Curtis Woodcock Boston University
Trans-Atlantic Training and Capacity Building Activities in EO Premysl Štych Charles University
Fire-Implementation Team (Fire-IT) Update and Future Steps Christopher Justice University of Maryland, College Park
SERVIR Applying Earth Observation data to support decision making Africa Flores, Africa Flores NASA-SERVIR
Future Earth: Research for Global Sustainability Joshua Tewksbury Future Earth
Policy Shifts Influence the Functional Changes of the CNH Systems on Mongolian Plateau Jiquan Chen Michigan State University
Industrial forest mapping: a Landsat Spatial and Temporal Approach Luigi Boschetti University of Idaho
Assessment of North American Industrial ForestsDisturbances, Biomass Extraction, and Growth Vigor Chengquan Huang University of Maryland
Land Cover and Land Use Change (LCLUC) Dynamics in South and South East Asia (SSEA) Atul Jain University of Illinois
Synthesis of land cover and land use, climatic and societal changes in drylandsof Central Asia Alexander Shiklomanov University Of New Hampshire