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2019 NASA LCLUC Spring Science Team Meeting

Meeting Presentations

Title Presenter Institution
LCLUC in Southern Vietnam through the Lenses of Conflict, Religion, and Politics, 1980s to Present Jessica McCarty Miami University
Agricultural Land Use Change in Central and Northeast Thailand: Effects on Biomass Emissions, Soil Quality, and Rural Livelihoods Varaprasad Bandaru USDA-ARS
Land-Use Status, Change and Impacts in Vietnam/Cambodia/Laos Son Nghiem NASA Jet Propulson Laboratory, California Institute of Technology
Quantifying Corruption in Indonesian Land System Governance Julie Silva University of Maryland, College Park
Oil Palm Expansion in Indonesia Laixiang Sun University of Maryland, College Park
Assessing the Impacts of Dams on the Dynamic Interactions Among Distant Wetlands, Land Use, Rural Communities in the Lower Mekong River Basin Jiaguo Qi Michigan State University
SARI Progress, Gaps, and Priorities including Capacity Building Activities Krishna Vadrevu NASA Marshall
SERVIR, ARSET, and DEVELOP Capacity Building Activities Nancy Searby NASA Headquarters
Synthesis of LCLUC for Island Systems Stephen Walsh University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Synthesis of Land-Use Transitions in the Southeast US Valerie Thomas Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University