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2019 NASA LCLUC Spring Science Team Meeting

This LCLUC Science Team meeting consisted of presentations from the LCLUC Science Team members funded for research on the LCLUC in Southeast Asia and Caucasus (ROSES 2016 Selections), LCLUC Synthesis projects and posters of recent results from other ongoing LCLUC research, including LCLUC-relevant projects under other NASA programs, such as Inter-Disciplinary Science and Carbon Cycle Programs, the Graduate Student Research and New Investigator Program. The third day was focused on the preliminary results from the 2017 Multi-Source Land Imaging (MuSLI) component of the LCLUC Program.

To view the day-1 poster presentations, please click

Meeting Presentations

Title Presenter Institution
NASA LCLUC Program Update Garik Gutman NASA Headquarters
Meeting Agenda ST Meeting 2019 Christopher Justice University of Maryland, College Park
Evaluation of High Resolution Data for LCLUC Science-Krishna Krishna Vadrevu NASA Marshall
Evaluation of High Resolution Data for LCLUC Science-Potapov Matthew Hansen University of Maryland, College Park
Evaluation of High Resolution Data for LCLUC Science-McCarty Jessica McCarty Miami University
Evaluation of High Resolution Data for LCLUC Science-Roy David Roy Michigan State University
Evaluation of High Resolution Data for LCLUC Science-Skakun Sergii Skakun University of Maryland
Evaluation of High Resolution Data for LCLUC Science-Campbell Petya Campbell NASA/GSFC
Evaluation of High Resolution Data for LCLUC Science-Walsh Stephen Walsh University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
The Agrarian Transition in Mainland Southeast Asia: Changes in Rice Farming 1995 to 2018 Jefferson Fox East-West Center