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LCLUC Spring Science Team Meeting 2014- Focus on Urban LCLUC

Meeting Presentations

Title Presenter Institution
Storms,Forms, and Complexity of the Urban Canopy: How Land Use , Settlement Patterns, and the Shapes of Cities Influence Severe Weather Geoffrey Henebry Michigan State University
Summary of the GOFC-GOLD Central Asia (CARIN) network activities Jiaguo Qi Michigan State University
Summary of the GOFC-GOLD East European (SCERIN) network activities Jana Albrechtova Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Science
Synthesis of studies on institutional change and LCLUC effects on carbon, biodiversity, and agriculture after the collapse of the Soviet Union Volker Radeloff University of Wisconsin-Madison
The Global Forest Cover Change Project: Global, Landsat-based records of forest cover and change from 1975-2005 Joseph Sexton University of Maryland
The role of environmental, socioeconomic, institutional, and land-cover/ land-use change factors to explain the pattern and drivers of anthropogenic fires in post-Soviet Eastern Europe: a case study comparison of Belarus, European Russia, and Lithuania Jessica McCarty Miami University
The Urban Transition in Ghana and Its Relation to Land Cover and Land Use Change (LCLUC) Through Analysis of Multi-scale and Multi-temporal Satellite Image Data Douglas Stow San Diego State University
Training Data Development for Mapping Global Impervious Surfaces Using Landsat Data Jackie Phillips NASA
UMd advancement of crop-type area estimates - soybeans Mary King University of Maryland, College Park
Understanding Impacts of Desert Urbanization on Climate and Surrounding Environments to Foster Sustainable Cities Using Remote Sensing and Numerical Modeling Soe Myint Arizona State University