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2013 Spring Science Team Meeting

Meeting Focus

The 2013 LCLUC Annual Spring Science Team meeting had a focus on Wetlands. Presentations at the meeting included project status updates, including methods being adopted for wetland studies and analysis. LCLUC scientists reaching their third year of funding cycle provided a summary of their project findings. PI’s from newly funded projects presented posters of their planned research including Early Career Scientist (ECS) and Inter-disciplinary (IDS) projects. An exciting update on the LDCM Mission that launched in February 2013 and a show casing of the use of high resolution data for LCLUC studies. The meeting completed with a discussion of programmatic issues and the emerging science directions and a discussion on forming a South Asia Initiative.

Meeting Presentations

Title Presenter Institution
An Evaluation of the Impact of Conservation Strategies on LCLUC at a Transboundary Site in Mesoamerica Kelly W. Jones Colorado State University
250 years of land use history in the Carpathian Region Catalina Munteanu University of Wisconsin, Madison
3D reconstruction of abandoned landscape Premysl Štych Charles University
4-D Modeling of the Regional Carbon Cycle in & Around Urban Environments: An Interdisciplinary Study to Advance Observational & Modeling Foundations Mark Friedl Boston University
A Satellite Supported Inverse Biophysical Modeling Approach for the Detection of Irrigated Agricultural Land and the Determination of the Amount of Irrigation in Arid and Semi Arid Regions. Lahouari Bounoua NASA GSFC
A simple and robust automated approach to map rubber plantations from PALSAR, Landsat and MODIS Jinwei Dong University of Oklahoma
Agricultural susceptibility to climate variability: Insight from two Indian agro-ecoregions Pinki Mondal University of Delaware
An evaluation of the impact of conservation strategies on land cover/land use change at a transboundary site in Mesoamerica Kelly W. Jones Colorado State University
Assessment of Mangrove Vulnerability in the Americas Marc Simard Caltech/ Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Beyond precipitation: Physiographic thresholds dictate the relative importance of environmental drivers on savanna vegetation Jane Southworth University of Florida

Training Description