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The Agrarian Transition in Mainland Southeast Asia: Changes in Rice Farming - 1995 to 2018
Project Start Date
Project End Date
Grant Number

Team Members:

Person Name Person role on project Affiliation
Jefferson Fox Principal Investigator East-West Center, Honolulu, US
Stephen Leisz Co-Investigator Colorado State University, Fort Collins, US
Caitlin Kontgis Co-Investigator Center For Cultural And Technical Interchange Between East and West, Madison, United States
Kaspar Hurni Co-Investigator University of Bern, Bern, Bern, Switzerland
Jamon Van Den Hoek Co-Investigator
Ian Baird Co-Investigator
Melvic Reyes Other Center For Cultural And Technical Interchange Between East and West, Honolulu, US
Duong Nong Collaborator
Ham Kimkong Collaborator
B. Ninchaleune Collaborator
This project responds directly to the solicitation for LCLUC studies in Southeast Asia by examining how the region is responding to simultaneous loss of agricultural labor and intensification of rice production. Major project objectives include: 1) Build a comprehensive multi-resolution, satellite image-derived database to characterize variability across and long-term changes within regional rice production systems; 2) Model current and past rice production under changing socio-economic and environmental conditions; 3) Use national population and agricultural censuses and other spatially-explicit secondary datasets compiled for sub- district units to quantify how changing conditions are correlated with changes in rice production systems through time; and 4) Conduct field interviews at selected sites to develop a place-based understanding of how rice farming is being revolutionized by changing demographics, economic opportunities, and technological innovations. We will explore these objectives for the major rice producing areas of four Mainland Southeast Asia (MSEA) countries (a total of six rice producing regions) between 1995 and 2018. The four countries and six regions include: 1) Vietnam (Red River and Mekong River Deltas), 2) Thailand (Northeast and Central Regions), 3) Laos (Savannakhet Province), and 4) Cambodia (Battambang Province). We will quantify changes in rice production systems between 1995 and 2018. As a means of quantifying long-term landscape dynamics in the persistently clouded study area, we will use an assemblage of complementary, cloud-resilient remote sensing analytical methods. First, we will classify Sentinel 2 SAR time series data (2014-2018) through an unsupervised rule-based clustering algorithm to differentiate stable standing water from flooded rice paddies to map locations and timing of rice production. Second, we will apply the Noise Insensitive Trajectory Algorithm (NITA) on Landsat (1995- 2018) and Sentinel 2 (2015-2018) time series data to quantify and map sub-annual changes in timing and pattern of rice production across our six study regions. NITA models land cover dynamics for every satellite image pixel across all available image dates and is the first all-available-images time series algorithm specifically designed to process data suffering from signal degeneration due to atmospheric effects. We will then input satellite-derived measures of area under rice production to the CSM-CERES-Rice model to estimate plot-level as well as regional annual rice yields. We will examine quantitative relationships between rice production, physiographic variables, and socioeconomic data gathered from agricultural and national censuses. A regression forest relating socioeconomic and physiographic variables to change in rice production systems will be used to identify the most significant predictors of change in each study region and across the study area. Finally, to understand how changes in labor dynamics and increasing demands for off-farm employment alter processes associated with rice production in land preparation, planting, weeding, harvesting, and the number of crops grown per year, we will conduct semi-informal interviews with key informants and survey 100 households in each rice growing region (total of 600 households). The project’s significance to NASA lies in its improved, multi-sensor approach for mapping changes in rice production systems-a change in land use rather than land cover, its use of novel cloud-resilient LCLUC monitoring approaches, and its integration of regional and local-scale perspectives of conditions that underlie observed changes to rice production systems (e.g., urbanization or industrialization). The knowledge generated by the proposed research will improve understanding of the social and ecological transformations affecting MSEA rice production and broadly advance globally-relevant theory on agriculture adaptation and change.
Project Research Area

Project Documents

Year Authors Type Title
2024 Jefferson Fox Publications Baird, I. (2024). Going Organic: Challenges for government-supported organic rice promotion and certification nationalism in Thailand. World Development, 173, p. 106-421.
2024 Jefferson Fox Publications Green, W.N. and Baird, I.G. (2024). Financialization and rural development: comparing credit systems in Thailand and Cambodia. South East Asia Research.
2024 Jefferson Fox Publications Yi, R., and Green, W.N. (2024). Intensifying translocal precarity: The impact of COVID-19 on smallholder farmers’ commodity production and social reproduction in Cambodia. Area.
2024 Jefferson Fox Publications Baird, I. (2024) Organic rice: different implications from process and product environmental approaches in Laos and Thailand. Agriculture and Human Values, Agriculture and Human Values,
2023 Jefferson Fox Publications Promkhambut, A., Yokying, P., Woods, K., Fisher, M., Yong, M.L., Manorom, K., Baird, I.G. and Fox, J. 2023. Rethinking agrarian transition in Southeast Asia through rice farming in Thailand. World Development, 169, p.106309
2023 Jefferson Fox Publications Green, W.N. 2023. Agrarian financial ecologies: Centering land and labour in geographies of debt. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers.
2023 Jefferson Fox Publications Promkhambut, A., Polthanee, A., Simma, B., Fox, J., and Rambo, A.T. 2023. Reconfiguring Farming Systems of Smallholders with Market-Led Approach: A Case Study in Northeast Thailand. Sustainability, 15(16), p.12144
2022 Jefferson Fox Publications Yan, L., D. P. Roy, A. Promkhambut, J. Fox, and Y. Zhai. 2022. Automated extraction of aquaculture ponds from Sentinel-2 seasonal imagery–A validated case study in central Thailand. Science of Remote Sensing 6: 100063.
2021 Ram Chhetri Phanwin Yokying, Jamon Van Den Hoek, Kaspar Hurni, Jefferson Fox Publications Chhetri, R., P. Yokying, A. Smith, J. Van Den Hoek, K. Hurni, S. Saksena, and J. Fox. 2021. Submitted. Forest, agriculture, and migration: Contemplating the future of forestry and agriculture in the Middle-Hills of Nepal. Journal of Peasant Studies.
2021 Jamon Van Den Hoek Kaspar Hurni, Jefferson Fox Publications Van Den Hoek, J., A. C. Smith, K. Hurni, S. Saksena, and J. Fox. 2021. Shedding New Light on Mountainous Forest Growth: A cross-scale evaluation of the effects of topographic illumination correction on 25 years of forest cover change across Nepal. Remote Sensing 13: 2131.
2021 Nathan Green Publications W. Nathan Green (2021) Placing Cambodia’s agrarian transition in an emerging Chinese food regime, The Journal of Peasant Studies, DOI: 10.1080/03066150.2021.1923007
2020 Poster Presentation Frazier , A.G, Stuecker, M.F.,Nelson, K., Yen, B.T, Sander B.O., Fox, J.M., Promkhambut,A., Kantar, B.K., Wang D.R. , Climate Variability and Rice production in mainland southeast Asia,
2020 Jefferson Fox Publications Yokying, P. and Floro, M.S., 2020. Parents’ labour force participation and children’s involvement in work activities: evidence from Thailand. Oxford Development Studies, 48(3), pp.287-303
2019 Stephen Leisz Nghiem Thi Phuong Tuyen NASA LCLUC Science Team Presentation Changing Agricultural Land-Use Patterns and the Drivers of These Changes in Vietnam’s Red River Delta
2019 Jefferson Fox NASA LCLUC Science Team Presentation The Agrarian Transition in Mainland Southeast Asia: Changes in Rice Farming 1995 to 2018
2019 Yuko Shirai Stephen Leisz, Jefferson Fox Publications Shirai, Y., S. Leisz, J. Fox, and A.T. Rambo. 2019. Commuting distances to local non‐farm workplaces and out‐migration: The case of Northeast Thailand. Asia Pacific Viewpoint
2017 Yuko Shirai Stephen Leisz, Arthur Rambo Publications Shirai, Y., S. Leisz, J. Fox, and A.T. Rambo. 2017. Rural household characteristics and agricultural activities in relation to local non-farm employment: A comparative study of two wet-rice-growing villages in Northeast Thailand. Khon Kaen Agriculture Journal: 45 (4): 721-730.
2017 Yuko Shirai Jefferson Fox, Stephen Leisz, Arthur Rambo Publications Shirai, Y., J. Fox, S.J. Leisz, H. Fukui, and A.T. Rambo. 2017. The Influence of Local Non-Farm Employment on Rural Household Structure in Northeast Thailand. Journal of Rural Studies 54: 52-59
2015 Caitlin Kontgis Annemarie Schneider, Mutlu Ozdogan Publications Kontgis, C., A. Schneider, and M. Ozdogan, M., 2015. Mapping rice paddy extent and intensification in the Vietnamese Mekong River Delta with dense time stacks of Landsat data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 169, pp.255-269