NASA Data and Services Supporting Monsoon Asia Integrated Regional Study in Eastern Asia
Project Start Date
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Team Members:
Person Name | Person role on project | Affiliation |
Gregory Leptoukh | Principal Investigator | Deceased, , |
Panxing Wang | Collaborator | Nanjing University, Nanjing Jiangsu, People's Republic of China |
We propose to support the MAIRS program by partnering, contributing and adding value to the established MAIRS project "The Data Collection and Service for the MAIRS" (PI: Prof. Panxing Wang) at the Nanjing Atmospheric Data and Services Center (NADSC). We will heavily leverage the infrastructure, tools, and data of the successful NASA NEESPI Data Center project ( that already provides similar support to the related Northern Eurasian Earth Science Partnership Initiative (NEESPI). In this small proposal we propose to provide the NASA satellite remote sensing data and modeled land, atmospheric, and oceanic data and their subsets over the Asian monsoon region using satellite and model data from the NASA NEESPI and other public archives. We will provide scientific and technical expertise in data management and interoperability to our regional partner, and help in setting a data sharing framework. Adding new NASA remote sensing data to a MAIRS collection of ground-based and regional model data, along with the convenient data access and analysis tools, will help to understand how human activities in the region affect natural variability of monsoons in Asia and how land cover and land use is affected by changes in the monsoon patterns.