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Multi-Source Land Imaging (MuSLI)

Displaying 26 - 49 of 49
Start Date Title
01/01/2021 The last urban frontier: Assessing drivers of urbanization and tradeoffs among social and ecosystem services associated with LCLUC in Africa
01/01/2021 Where are the missing burned areas? Global hotspots of burned area – a multiresolution analysis
09/01/2020 Developing novel GPP estimation for crops at field-level using new-generation satellite data in the US Corn Belt
09/01/2020 Toward near real-time monitoring of forest disturbance in Myanmar using multi-source imagery
03/23/2020 Divergent Local Responses to Globalization: Urbanization, Land Transition, and Environmental Changes in Southeast Asia
01/01/2020 Forced and Truncated Agrarian Transitions in Asia Through the Lens of Field Size Change
05/01/2018 Africa Burned Area Product Generation, Quality Assessment and Validation - Demonstrating a Multi-Source Land Imaging (MuSLI) Landsat-8 Sentinel-2 Capability
05/01/2018 Characterizing Field-Scale Water Use, Phenology and Productivity in Agricultural Landscapes Using Multi-Sensor Data Fusion
05/01/2018 Prototyping MuSLI canopy Chlorophyll Content for Assessment of Vegetation Function and Productivity
02/01/2018 Crop Yield Assessment and Mapping by a Combined use of Landsat-8, Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-1 Images
01/31/2018 Circumpolar Albedo of Northern Lands from Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2
01/15/2018 An Operational Multisource Land Surface Phenology Product from Landsat and Sentinel 2
01/15/2018 Monitoring Abandoned Agriculture, Fallow Fields, and Grasslands with Landsat and Sentinel-2
01/01/2018 A High Spatio-Temporal Resolution Land Surface Temperature (LST) Product for Urban Environments
01/01/2018 Prototyping an Oil Palm Plantation MuSLI from Landsat and Dual-Wavelength Synthetic Aperture Radar
04/01/2017 Synthesis of Drivers, Patterns, and Trajectories of LCLUC in Island Ecosystems
07/01/2015 Integrating Landsat 7, 8 and Sentinel 2 Data in Improving Crop Type Identification and Area E stimation
07/01/2015 Multi-Source Imaging of Infrastructure and Urban Growth Using Landsat, Sentinel and SRTM
07/01/2015 Multi-Source Imaging of Time-Serial Tree and Water Cover at Continental to Global Scales
07/01/2015 Multisource Imaging of Seasonal Dynamics in Land Surface Phenology: A Fusion Approach Using Landsat and Sentinel - 2
07/01/2015 Operational Algorithms and Products for Near Real Time Maps of Rice Extent and Rice Crop Growth Stage Using Multi - Source Remote Sensing
07/01/2015 Prototyping a Landsat-8 Sentinel-2 Global Burned Area Product
07/01/2015 Towards Near Daily Monitoring of Inundated Areas Over North America Through Multi-Source Fusion of Optical and Radar Data
04/01/2014 Yamal LCLUC Synthesis: A Synthesis of Remote-Sensing Studies, Ground Observations and Modeling to Understand the Social-Ecological Consequences of Climate Change and Resource Development on the Yamal Peninsula, Russia and Relevance to the Circumpolar Arctic