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2013 Spring Science Team Meeting

Meeting Presentations

Title Presenter Institution
Mapping Cropped Area of Smallholder Farms in South Asia Meha Jain University of Michigan
Mega Urban Changes and Impacts in the Decade of the 2000s Son Nghiem NASA Jet Propulson Laboratory, California Institute of Technology
Monitoring deforestation to evaluate Mexico's Payments for Ecosystem Services and assess land use change effects on jaguar habitat Carlos Ramirez Reyes University of Wisconsin, Madison
Multi-sensor Fusion to Determine Agricultural Sensitivity to Climate Variability in South Asia Ruth DeFries Columbia University
NASA's Land-Cover/Land Use Change Program: An Update Garik Gutman NASA Headquarters
NASA's Land-Cover/Land Use Change Program: Wrap-Up Garik Gutman NASA Headquarters
Needs and Research Requirements for Land-Change Modeling Daniel Brown University of Washington
Northern Eurasia Earth Science Partnership Initiative (NEESPI) Status: An update of the recent activities and near-term plans Pavel Groisman UCAR Project Scientist at NCDC
Objectives for the Meeting Christopher Justice University of Maryland, College Park
Progress towards global impervious cover data sets using GLS 2010 Data Eric Brown de Colstoun NASA Goddard Space Flight Center