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International LCLUC Regional Science Meeting in Central Europe

Meeting Presentations

Title Presenter Institution
Nighttime VIIRS LCLUC Applications Chris Elvidge Earth Observing Group
Objectives of the Meeting Christopher Justice University of Maryland, College Park
Remote sensing based evapotranspiration mapping: Applications Jozsef Szilagyi Technical University, Budapest
Satellite data processing and analysis: Examples and practical considerations Daniel Kristof FOMI
Summary of the SCERIN-2 meeting Katarzyna Ostapowicz Jagiellonian University
The EAGLE data model - concept for parameterized data collection on landscape Barbara Kosztra FOMI
The NASA LCLUC Science-Focus on Central/Eastern Europe Garik Gutman NASA Headquarters
Urban and peri-urban changes across Central and Eastern Europe and their socio-economic consequences Premysl Štych Charles University
Urban Impervious Surface Change in Central and Eastern Europe Mapped Using Global Land Survey Data Chengquan Huang University of Maryland
Validation and verification of land cover data Gergely Maucha FOMI