International LCLUC Regional Science Meeting in Central Europe

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Meeting Presentations
Title | Presenter | Institution |
Nighttime VIIRS LCLUC Applications | Chris Elvidge | Earth Observing Group |
Objectives of the Meeting | Christopher Justice | University of Maryland, College Park |
Remote sensing based evapotranspiration mapping: Applications | Jozsef Szilagyi | Technical University, Budapest |
Satellite data processing and analysis: Examples and practical considerations | Daniel Kristof | FOMI |
Summary of the SCERIN-2 meeting | Katarzyna Ostapowicz | Jagiellonian University |
The EAGLE data model - concept for parameterized data collection on landscape | Barbara Kosztra | FOMI |
The NASA LCLUC Science-Focus on Central/Eastern Europe | Garik Gutman | NASA Headquarters |
Urban and peri-urban changes across Central and Eastern Europe and their socio-economic consequences | Premysl Štych | Charles University |
Urban Impervious Surface Change in Central and Eastern Europe Mapped Using Global Land Survey Data | Chengquan Huang | University of Maryland |
Validation and verification of land cover data | Gergely Maucha | FOMI |
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