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NASA Carbon Cycle and Ecosystems Joint Science Workshop

Meeting Presentations

Title Presenter Institution
Earth Observation and Modeling-Cropping Intensity Xiangming Xiao University of Oklahoma
Emerging Model-Data Requirements for Land-Use Information George Hurtt University of Maryland, College Park
Ensemble Land Surface Modeling at JPL Joshua Fisher NASA
Forest Cover and Height in Topographically Complex Landscapes from MISR Assessed with High Quality Reference Data Mark Chopping Montclair State University
G-LiHT: Goddard's LiDar, Hyperspectral, and Thermal Airborne Imager Bruce Cook
GEO Cropland Mapping initiative Steffen Fritz International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
Global Crop type Assessment-Soybean Area Estimation Matthew Hansen University of Maryland, College Park
Global surface reflectance products from Landsat, with validation against coincident MODIS measurements Joseph Sexton University of Maryland
Increasing Forest cover in Southwest China's Himalayas Jodi Brandt University of Wisconsin, Madison
Inferring Photosynthetic Light-Use Efficiency of Terrestrial Ecosystems from Multi-angular Satellite Observations Thomas Hilker NASA Goddard Space Flight Center