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Meeting Presentations

Type Meeting Date Title
NASA LCLUC Science Team Presentation Adelphi, Maryland 03/28/2011 18 years of collaborative fire research in Siberia: accomplishments and perspectives
NASA LCLUC Science Team Presentation UMUC Inn and Conference Center 04/11/2006 Wildfire impacts on carbon stocks and exchanges in forests of central Siberia: Quantifying effects of fire intensity, fire severity, and burning conditions
NASA LCLUC Science Team Presentation UMUC Inn and Conference Center 04/11/2006 Wildfire impacts on carbon stocks and exchanges in forests of central Siberia: Quantifying effects of fire intensity, fire severity, and burning conditions
NASA LCLUC Science Team Presentation UMUC Inn and Conference Center 04/11/2006 Wildfire impacts on carbon stocks and exchanges in forests of central Siberia: Quantifying effects of fire intensity, fire severity, and burning conditions
NASA LCLUC Science Team Presentation UMUC Inn and Conference Center 04/11/2006 Wildfire impacts on carbon stocks and exchanges in forests of central Siberia: Quantifying effects of fire intensity, fire severity, and burning conditions
NASA LCLUC Science Team Presentation UMUC Inn and Conference Center 01/01/2004 Pioneering NASA LCLUC Russia Research Projects Mature 1997-2003
Poster Presentation UMUC Inn and Conference Center 10/29/2001 The Russian FIRE BEAR Project: Estimating and Monitoring Effects of Area Burned and Fire Severity on Carbon Cycling Emissions, and Forest Health and Sustainability in Central Siberia (in Russian)
Poster Presentation UMUC Inn and Conference Center 10/29/2001 The Russian FIRE BEAR Project: Estimating and Monitoring Effects of Area Burned and Fire Severity on Carbon Cycling Emissions, and Forest Health and Sustainability in Central Siberia (in English)