South/Southeast Asia Research Initiative (SARI)
Project Start Date
Project End Date
Team Members:
Person Name | Person role on project | Affiliation |
Krishna Vadrevu | Program Coordinator | NASA Marshall , Huntsville, United States |
The goal of SARI is to develop an innovative regional research, education, and capacity building program involving state-of-the-art remote sensing, natural sciences, engineering and social sciences to enrich Land Cover/Land Use Change (LCLUC) science in South/Southeast Asia. Our objectives are twofold. First, we aim to advance LCLUC science in the region. Second, we endeavor to strengthen existing and build new collaborations between US and South/Southeast Asia researchers in the areas of LCLUC research. To address LCLUC science, SARI will utilize a systems approach to problem-solving that examines both biophysical and socioeconomic aspects of land systems, including the interactions between land use and climate and the interrelationships among policy, governance, and land use. A central component of SARI will be the use of geospatial data from both remotely sensed and in situ sources and models.
To strengthen the theoretical underpinnings of LCLUC science in the South/Southeast Asian region, SARI will facilitate:
New partnerships with space agencies, universities and non-government organizations
Development of novel and regionally-appropriate methodologies and algorithms for LCLUC products
Data sharing mechanisms
Leadership training
Organzing international workshops to identify regional priorities, discuss and share scientific findings
Capacity building programs
International student/researcher exchanges, including among LCLUC scientists in the region.
SARI will serve as a facilitator and catalyst for LCLUC research in South/Southeast Asia. It will serve as a model for interdisciplinary research that links LCLUC science with NASA assets. The outputs will be beneficial to the U.S., SARI and international researchers.
Project Website