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The Spatial and Temporal Dimensions of Contemporary U.S. Land Cover and Land Use Change and Implications for Carbon Dynamics
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Team Members:

Person Name Person role on project Affiliation
Tom Loveland Principal Investigator U.S. Geological Survey, Sioux Falls, United States
Land Cover Change Assessment - Document the types, geographic distribution, and rates of 1970’s to 2000 U.S. land use and land cover change in order to answer the following: ! What are the spatial and temporal dimensions of land use and land cover change? ! What are the regional driving forces of contemporary land use and land cover change? Carbon Dynamics Assessment – Isolate and identify the explicit role of local land use/land cover change in affecting contemporary regional and national carbon dynamics across the U.S. " What are the spatial and temporal distributions of carbon sources and sinks? " What are the mechanisms that cause these distributions? " What are the uncertainties in carbon dynamics related to LU/LC change?