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Marc Simard

Senior Scientist
EOS Interdisciplinary Science Investigations
Caltech/ Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Phone number
(818) 354-6972
Fax number
(818) 393-5184


Mail Stop 300-319 4800 Oak Grove Drive

, Pasadena, CA, United States, 91109


Mail Stop 300-319 4800 Oak Grove Drive

, Pasadena, CA, United States, 91109


Mail Stop 300-319 4800 Oak Grove Drive

, Pasadena, CA, United States, 91109


Mail Stop 300-319 4800 Oak Grove Drive

, Pasadena, CA, United States, 91109


Mail Stop 300-319 4800 Oak Grove Drive

, Pasadena, CA, United States, 91109


Mail Stop 300-319 4800 Oak Grove Drive

, Pasadena, CA, United States, 91109


Mail Stop 300-319 4800 Oak Grove Drive

, Pasadena, CA, United States, 91109


Mail Stop 300-319 4800 Oak Grove Drive

, Pasadena, CA, United States, 91109


Mail Stop 300-319 4800 Oak Grove Drive

, Pasadena, CA, United States, 91109

Meeting Presentations

Type Meeting Date Title
Program Presentation Rockville, Maryland 04/02/2013 Assessment of Mangrove Vulnerability in the Americas
Poster Presentation Adelphi, Maryland 03/28/2011 Monitoring Mangrove Dominated Regions with UAVSAR: an Airborne L-Band Radar
Poster Presentation Adelphi, Maryland 03/28/2011 Monitoring Mangrove Dominated Regions with UAVSAR: an Airborne L-Band Radar
NASA LCLUC Science Team Presentation UMUC Inn and Conference Center, Adelphi, MD 04/04/2007 Recent Advances in the Use of Microwave Data for the Study of LCLUC Applications
Poster Presentation UMUC Inn and Conference Center, Adelphi, MD 04/04/2007 3D Mapping of the Caribbean Coasts: Chapter I: Mangrove Forest Height, Biomass and Productivity Using SRTM Calibrated with Lidar (ICEsat/GLAS and Airborne) and Field Data
NASA LCLUC Science Team Presentation UMUC Inn and Conference Center 01/11/2005 Large Scale Assessment of Landscape Changes and Recovery in Forest Structure of Mangrove Wetlands Subject to Human, Freshwater Diversion, and Natural Disturbances (hurricanes, other severe storms, sea level change) Using Enhanced SRTM Data
NASA LCLUC Science Team Presentation UMUC Inn and Conference Center 01/11/2005 Large Scale Assessment of Landscape Changes and Recovery in Forest Structure of Mangrove Wetlands Subject to Human, Freshwater Diversion, and Natural Disturbances (hurricanes, other severe storms, sea level change) Using Enhanced SRTM Data
NASA LCLUC Science Team Presentation UMUC Inn and Conference Center 01/11/2005 Large Scale Assessment of Landscape Changes and Recovery in Forest Structure of Mangrove Wetlands Subject to Human, Freshwater Diversion, and Natural Disturbances (hurricanes, other severe storms, sea level change) Using Enhanced SRTM Data
NASA LCLUC Science Team Presentation UMUC Inn and Conference Center 01/11/2005 Large Scale Assessment of Landscape Changes and Recovery in Forest Structure of Mangrove Wetlands Subject to Human, Freshwater Diversion, and Natural Disturbances (hurricanes, other severe storms, sea level change) Using Enhanced SRTM Data
NASA LCLUC Science Team Presentation UMUC Inn and Conference Center 01/11/2005 Large Scale Assessment of Landscape Changes and Recovery in Forest Structure of Mangrove Wetlands Subject to Human, Freshwater Diversion, and Natural Disturbances (hurricanes, other severe storms, sea level change) Using Enhanced SRTM Data
NASA LCLUC Science Team Presentation UMUC Inn and Conference Center 01/11/2005 Large Scale Assessment of Landscape Changes and Recovery in Forest Structure of Mangrove Wetlands Subject to Human, Freshwater Diversion, and Natural Disturbances (hurricanes, other severe storms, sea level change) Using Enhanced SRTM Data