2010 |
Allen Hope |
Publications |
Bart, R., and A. Hope (2010), Streamflow response to fire in large catchments of a Mediterranean-climate region using paired-catchment experiments, Journal of Hydrology, 388, 370-378. |
2010 |
Allen Hope |
Publications |
Fitch, D. T., D. A. Stow, A. S. Hope, and S. Rey (2010), MODIS vegetation metrics as indicators of hydrological response in watersheds of California Mediterranean-type climate zones, Remote Sensing of Environment, 114(11), 2513-2523. |
2009 |
Allen Hope |
Publications |
Tague, C., L. Seaby, and A. Hope (2009), Modeling the eco-hydrologic response of a Mediterranean type ecosystem to the combined impacts of projected climate change and altered fire frequencies, Climatic change, 93(1), 137–155. |
2009 |
Allen Hope |
Publications |
Hope, A., A. Burvall, T. Germishuyse, and T. Newby (2009), River flow response to changes in vegetation cover in a South African fynbos catchment, Water S. A., 35(1), 55–60. |
2008 |
Allen Hope |
Publications |
Clark, R. E., A. S. Hope, S. Tarantola, D. Gatelli, P. E. Dennison, and M. A. Moritz (2008), Sensitivity analysis of a fire spread model in a chaparral landscape, Fire Ecology, 4(1), 1–13. |
2008 |
Allen Hope |
Publications |
Hope, A., J. Decker, and P. Jankowski (2008), Utility of Gridded Rainfall for IHACRES Daily River Flow Predictions in Southern California Watersheds, Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA), 44(2), 428–435. |
2007 |
Allen Hope |
Publications |
McMichael, C. E., and A. S. Hope (2007), Predicting streamflow response to fire-induced landcover change: Implications of parameter uncertainty in the MIKE SHE model, Journal of Environmental Management, 84(3). |
2007 |
Allen Hope |
Publications |
Hope, A., C. Tague, and R. Clark (2007), Characterizing post-fire vegetation recovery of California chaparral using TM/ETM+ time-series data, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 28(6), 1339-1354. |
2004 |
Significant Results |
Fire, Land Cover and Climate Change: Impacts on River Flows in Semiarid Shrubland Watersheds (Significant Results) |
2001 |
Abstract |
Fire, Land Cover and Climate Change: Impacts on River Flows in Semiarid Shrubland Watersheds |
Allen Hope |
Publications |
Hope, A., N. Albers, and R. Bart (in-press), Characterizing post-fire recovery of fynbos vegetation in the Western Cape Region of South Africa using MODIS data, International Journal of Remote Sensing. |