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Mapping Industrial Forest Plantations in Tropical Monsoon Asia Through Integration of Landsat and PALSAR Imagery
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Team Members:

Person Name Person role on project Affiliation
Xiangming Xiao Principal Investigator University of Oklahoma, Norman, United States
Yuanwei Qin Co-Investigator University of Oklahoma, Norman, United States
William Salas Co-Investigator Applied Geosolutions, LLC, Durham, United States
Nathan Torbick Co-Investigator Michigan State University, New Market, United States
The areas of industrial forest plantations such as rubber trees, oil palm, teak, eucalyptus, acacia and bamboo have expanded enormously in recent years across the tropical regions, in particular tropical monsoon Asia. Conversion of natural forests with monoculture forest plantations has profound impacts on the water and carbon cycle and biodiversity. The information on the area, spatial distribution and temporal dynamics of industrial forest plantations in tropical monsoon Asia is incomplete and outdated. Here we propose to combine optical (Landsat) and synthetic aperture radar images to identify and map six major industrial forest plantations (rubber, oil palm, teak, acacia, eucalyptus, bamboo) in tropical monsoon Asia. We will focus on four periods: circa 2015 (2015-2011), 2010 (2010 – 2006), 2005 (2005-2001), and 2000 (2000-1996). The overall goal of this proposed project is to quantify the changes of major industrial forest plantations in tropical monsoon Asia from 2000 to 2015 at 30-m spatial resolution and 5-year interval. The specific objectives are the following: 1. Map the area and spatial distribution of industrial forest plantations in tropical monsoon Asia in 2015, using Landsat 8 (OLI) and PALSAR-2 images from 2013-2015, 2. Map the area and spatial distribution of industrial forest plantations in tropical monsoon Asia in 2010, using Landsat 5/7 (TM/ETM+) and PALSAR images in 2006-2010, 3. Map the area and spatial distribution of industrial forest plantations in tropical monsoon Asia in 2005, using Landsat 5/7 (TM/ETM+) images in 2001-2005, and 4. Map the area and spatial distribution of industrial forest plantations in tropical monsoon Asia in 2000, using Landsat 5/7 (TM/ETM+) and JERS-1 images in 1996-2000. This proposal will primarily focus on “industrial forests” component of this NASA NRA and will identify and map six industrial forest plantations (rubber, oil palm, teak, Eucalyptus, Acacia, bamboo) in tropical monsoon Asia. The in-situ data and resultant maps from this NASA project will provide timely information to support the FAO FRA 2015, REDD+ and food and water projects.
Project Research Area

Project Documents

Year Authors Type Title
2020 Publications Zhang, G., Xiao, X., Dong, J. et al. Fingerprint of rice paddies in spatial–temporal dynamics of atmospheric methane concentration in monsoon Asia. Nat Commun 11, 554 (2020).
2019 Publications Fan, L., Wigneron, J.P., Ciais, P., Chave, J., Brandt, M., Fensholt, R., Saatchi, S.S., Bastos, A., Al-Yaari, A., Hufkens, K., Qin, Y.W., Xiao, X.M., Chen, C., Myneni, R.B., Fernandez-Moran, R., Mialon, A., Rodriguez-Fernandez, N.J., Kerr, Y., Tian, F., & Penuelas, J. (2019). Satellite-observed pantropical carbon dynamics. Nature Plants, 5, 944-951
2019 Yuanwei Qin Xiangming Xiao Publications Qin, Y.W., Xiao, X.M., Dong, J.W., Zhang, Y., Wu, X.C., Shimabukuro, Y., Arai, E., Biradar, C., Wang, J., Zou, Z.H., Liu, F., Shi, Z., Doughty, R., & Moore, B. (2019). Improved estimates of forest cover and loss in the Brazilian Amazon in 2000-2017. Nature Sustainability, 2, 764-772
2018 Publications Chen, B.Q., Xiao, X.M., Ye, H.C., Ma, J., Doughty, R., Li, X.P., Zhao, B., Wu, Z.X., Sun, R., Dong, J.W., Qin, Y.W., & Xie, G.S. (2018). Mapping Forest and Their Spatial-Temporal Changes From 2007 to 2015 in Tropical Hainan Island by Integrating ALOS/ALOS-2 L-Band SAR and Landsat Optical Images. Ieee Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 11, 852-867
2018 Publications Kou, W.L., Dong, J.W., Xiao, X.M., Hernandez, A.J., Qin, Y.W., Zhang, G.L., Chen, B.Q., Lu, N., & Doughty, R. (2018). Expansion dynamics of deciduous rubber plantations in Xishuangbanna, China during 2000-2010. Giscience & Remote Sensing, 55, 905-925
2018 Publications Xu, W.H., Qin, Y.W., Xiao, X.M., Di, G.Z., Doughty, R.B., Zhou, Y.T., Zou, Z.H., Kong, L., Niu, Q.F., & Kou, W.L. (2018). Quantifying spatial-temporal changes of tea plantations in complex landscapes through integrative analyses of optical and microwave imagery. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 73, 697-711
2018 Publications Zhai, D.L., Dong, J.W., Cadisch, G., Wang, M.C., Kou, W.L., Xu, J.C., Xiao, X.M., & Abbas, S. (2018). Comparison of Pixel- and Object-Based Approaches in Phenology-Based Rubber Plantation Mapping in Fragmented Landscapes. Remote Sensing, 10
2017 Yuanwei Qin Xiangming Xiao Publications Qin, Y.W., Xiao, X.M., Dong, J.W., Chen, B.Q., Liu, F., Zhang, G.L., Zhang, Y., Wang, J., & Wu, X.C. (2017). Quantifying annual changes in built-up area in complex urban-rural landscapes from analyses of PALSAR and Landsat images. Isprs Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 124, 89-105
2017 Yuanwei Qin Xiangming Xiao Publications Qin, Y.W., Xiao, X.M., Dong, J.W., Zhou, Y.T., Wang, J., Doughty, R.B., Chen, Y., Zou, Z.H., & Moore, B. (2017). Annual dynamics of forest areas in South America during 2007-2010 at 50m spatial resolution. Remote Sensing of Environment, 201, 73-87
2017 Publications Xu, G., Zhu, X., Fu, D.J., Dong, J.W., & Xiao, X.M. (2017). Automatic land cover classification of geo-tagged field photos by deep learning. Environmental Modelling & Software, 91, 127-134
2017 Publications Zhang, G.L., Xiao, X.M., Biradar, C.M., Dong, J.W., Qin, Y.W., Menarguez, M.A., Zhou, Y.T., Zhang, Y., Jin, C., Wang, J., Doughty, R.B., Ding, M.J., & Moore, B. (2017). Spatiotemporal patterns of paddy rice croplands in China and India from 2000 to 2015. Science of the Total Environment, 579, 82-92
2017 Publications Chen, B.Q., Xiao, X.M., Li, X.P., Pan, L.H., Doughty, R., Ma, J., Dong, J.W., Qin, Y.W., Zhao, B., Wu, Z.X., Sun, R., Lan, G.Y., Xie, G.S., Clinton, N., & Giri, C. (2017). A mangrove forest map of China in 2015: Analysis of time series Landsat 7/8 and Sentinel-1A imagery in Google Earth Engine cloud computing platform. Isprs Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 131, 104-120
2016 Publications Dong, J., Xiao, X., Zhang, G., Menarguez, M.A., Choi, C.Y., Qin, Y., Luo, P., Zhang, Y., & Moore, B. (2016). Northward expansion of paddy rice in northeastern Asia during 2000-2014. Geophysical Research Letters, 43, 3754-3761
2016 Publications Dong, J.W., & Xiao, X.M. (2016). Evolution of regional to global paddy rice mapping methods: A review. Isprs Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 119, 214-227
2016 Yuanwei Qin Xiangming Xiao Publications Qin, Y.W., Xiao, X.M., Dong, J.W., Zhang, G.L., Roy, P.S., Joshi, P.K., Gilani, H., Murthy, M.S.R., Jin, C., Wang, J., Zhang, Y., Chen, B.Q., Menarguez, M.A., Biradar, C.M., Bajgain, R., Li, X.P., Dai, S.Q., Hou, Y., Xin, F.F., & Moore, B. (2016). Mapping forests in monsoon Asia with ALOS PALSAR 50-m mosaic images and MODIS imagery in 2010. Scientific Reports, 6
2015 Yuanwei Qin Xiangming Xiao Publications Qin, Y.W., Xiao, X.M., Dong, J.W., Zhang, G.L., Shimada, M., Liu, J.Y., Li, C.G., Kou, W.L., & Moore, B. (2015). Forest cover maps of China in 2010 from multiple approaches and data sources: PALSAR, Landsat, MODIS, FRA, and NFI. Isprs Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 109, 1-16
2015 Yuanwei Qin Xiangming Xiao Publications Qin, Y.W., Xiao, X.M., Dong, J.W., Zhou, Y.T., Zhu, Z., Zhang, G.L., Du, G.M., Jin, C., Kou, W.L., Wang, J., & Li, X.P. (2015). Mapping paddy rice planting area in cold temperate climate region through analysis of time series Landsat 8 (OLI), Landsat 7 (ETM+) and MODIS imagery. Isprs Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 105, 220-233
2015 Publications Wang, J., Xiao, X.M., Qin, Y.W., Dong, J.W., Zhang, G.L., Kou, W.L., Jin, C., Zhou, Y.T., & Zhang, Y. (2015). Mapping paddy rice planting area in wheat-rice double-cropped areas through integration of Landsat-8 OLI, MODIS, and PALSAR images. Scientific Reports, 5
2015 Publications Chen, B.Q., Wu, Z.X., Wang, J.K., Dong, J.W., Guan, L.M., Chen, J.M., Yang, K., & Xie, G.S. (2015). Spatio-temporal prediction of leaf area index of rubber plantation using HJ-1A/1B CCD images and recurrent neural network. Isprs Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 102, 148-160
2015 Publications Zhang, G.L., Xiao, X.M., Dong, J.W., Kou, W.L., Jin, C., Qin, Y.W., Zhou, Y.T., Wang, J., Menarguez, M.A., & Biradar, C. (2015). Mapping paddy rice planting areas through time series analysis of MODIS land surface temperature and vegetation index data. Isprs Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 106, 157-171
2015 Publications Li, L., Dong, J.W., Tenku, S.N., & Xiao, X.M. (2015). Mapping Oil Palm Plantations in Cameroon Using PALSAR 50-m Orthorectified Mosaic Images. Remote Sensing, 7, 1206-1224