Understanding and Predicting the Impact of Climate Variability and Climate Change on Land Use and Land Cover Change Via Socio-Economic Institutions in Southern Africa

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Project Documents

Year Authors Type Title
2011 Jane Southworth Publications Gibbes, Southworth, Waylen, Bunting, Cui 2011. Title: Assessing ecological response to climate change Nature Climate Change, to be submitted Feb 2011
2011 Jane Southworth Publications Gibbes, C., Cassidy, L., Hartter, J., Southworth, J. The monitoring of land cover change and management across gradient landscapes in Africa. Book Chapter in Eds. Brondizio & Moran. “Human-Environment Interactions: current and future directions” Current Status – editorial review, Publication planned for 2011-12.
2011 Jane Southworth Publications Gaughan, A. and Waylen, P.R. Spatial and temporal precipitation variability in the Okavango Kwando-Zambezi catchment, southern Africa. Journal of Arid Environments (Under Review).
2011 Jane Southworth Publications Cui, X., Gibbes ,C., Southworth, J., Waylen P. 2011. Quantifying ecological resilience in a semi arid system. Journal of Arid Environments, Under Review.
2011 Jane Southworth Publications Cui, Gibbes, Southworth, Waylen 2011. Quantifying ecological resilience in a semi arid system. Journal of Arid Environments, under review.
2010 Jane Southworth Publications Southworth, J., and Gibbes, C. 2010. Remote Sensing within the field of Land Change Science: Past, present and future directions. Geography Compass, 4:12, 1695-1712.
2010 Jane Southworth Publications Gibbes, C., Adhikari, S., Rostant, L., and Southworth J. Utility of object oriented classification and high resolution satellite imagery for semi arid savanna ecosystem analysis. Remote Sensing, 2010, 2, 2748-2772
2010 Jane Southworth Publications Gibbes, C., Adhikari, S., Rostant, L., and Southworth J. Utility of object oriented classification and high resolution satellite imagery for semi arid savanna ecosystem analysis. 2010. Remote Sensing, 2, 2748-2772.
2010 Jane Southworth Publications Gibbes, C., Adhikari, S., Rostant, L., and Southworth J. 2010. Utility of object oriented classification and high resolution satellite imagery for semi arid savanna ecosystem analysis. Remote Sensing, 2, 2748-2772
2010 Jane Southworth Publications Gibbes & Keys 2010. The Illusion of Equity: An Examination of Community Based Natural Resource Management and Inequality in Africa. Geography Compass, 4:9, 1325-1338.