2002 Science Team Meeting

Meeting Presentations
Title | Presenter | Institution |
A Categorical-Radiometric Method for Forest Land-Cover Change Detection in Russia Using Hybrid Landsat MSS, TM and ETM+ Data | Kathleen Bergen | University of Michigan |
Burned Area Mapping of Southern Africa: Case Study Synthesis and Regional Application of MODIS Data | David Roy | Michigan State University |
Carbon in Cities (a non-NASA View) | Thomas Wagner | Eastern Michigan University |
Developing Land Cover Scenarios in Metropolitan and Non-Metropolitan Michigan, USA: A Stochastic Simulation Approach | Daniel Brown | University of Washington |
Development Sprawl Impacts on the Terrestrial Carbon Dynamics of the United States (Part 1 of 2-part poster) | Chris Elvidge | Earth Observing Group |
Do Changes in Land Use Account for the Net Terrestrial Flux of Carbon to the Atmosphere? | Richard Houghton | Woods Hole Research Center |
Downscaling Analysis of the Influence of the Houston Metropolitan Area on Rainfall Patterns | J. Shepherd | University of Georgia |
High-resolution Satellite Data, Landcover, and Water Quality in the Southern Appalachian Mountains: Part I | Paul Bolstad | University of Minnesota |
Impact of LULCC on Water Resources and Policy Implications | John Mustard | Brown University |
Improving Land Cover Product-Based Estimates of the Extent of Fragmented Cover Types | Chris Hlavka | NASA Ames Research Center |
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