2017 |
John Rogan Billie Turner |
Publications |
Millones, M., Rogan, J., II, B., Parmentier, B., Harris, R.C. and Griffith, D.A., 2017. Fire Data as Proxy for Anthropogenic Landscape Change in the Yucatán. Land, 6(3), p.61. |
2011 |
Publications |
Das, R., Lawrence, D., D’Odorico, P., and M. DeLonge. Land use change impacts on atmospheric P inputs to a tropical dry forest: Implications for theories of ecosystem state shifts. Journal of Geophysical Research—Biogeosciences. (in review). |
2011 |
Publications |
C. Radel. Gendered Livelihoods and the Politics of Socio-Environmental Identity: Women’s Participation in Conservation Projects in Calakmul, Mexico. Gender, Place, and Culture (forthcoming) |
2011 |
Publications |
C. Radel, C. Outcomes of Conservation Alliances with Women’s Community-Based Organizations in Southern Mexico. Society & Natural Resources (forthcoming). |
2011 |
Publications |
Roy Chowdhury, R. 2007. Household land management and biodiversity: Secondary succession in a forest-agriculture mosaic, Yucatán, Mexico. Ecology and Society (in press). |
2011 |
Publications |
Keys, E. nd. Market Integration and Market Realities on the Mexican Frontier: The Case of Calakmul, Campeche, Mexico, IN W. Jepson and A. Millington, eds. Beyond the primary transition: Land use and land cover change in agricultural areas (forthcoming). |
2011 |
Publications |
Vallejo Nieto, M.I. y Gurri, F. D. nd. Vulnerabilidad en campesinos tradicionales y convencionales de Calakmul, Campeche, méxico Secuelas del Huracán “Isidoro.” Estudios de Antropología Biológica 13 (forthcoming). |
2010 |
Publications |
F. D. Gurri. 2010. Smallholder Land-Use in the Southern Yucatán: How Culture and History Matter. Regional Environmental Change 10 (3): 219-232. |
2010 |
Publications |
Schneider, L. nd. Plant Invasions in an Agricultural Frontier: Linking Satellite, Ecological and Household Survey Data. In: Land Change Science in the Tropics: Changing Agricultural Landscapes, Andrew Millington and Wendy Jepson eds. Kluwer publishers. 2010. |
2010 |
Billie Turner |
Publications |
B. L. Turner II, guest ed. 2010. Special Issue on Land Change in the Southern Yucatán: Case Studies in Land Change Science. Special feature, Regional Environmental Change 10 (3): 169-174. |
2010 |
Publications |
Schneider, L. C. and N. Fernando. 2010. An Untidy Cover: Invasion of Bracken Fern in in the shifting cultivation systems of Southern Yucatán, Mexico. Biotropica 42 (1):41-48. |
2010 |
Publications |
Schmook, B., R. Dickson, F. Sangermano, J. Vadjunec, R. Eastman, and J. Rogan. 2010. A Step-Wise Land-Cover Classification of the Tropical Forests of the Southern Yucatán, Mexico. International Journal of Remote Sensing (Forthcoming). |
2010 |
Publications |
Lawrence, D., K. Tully, C. Radel, B. Scmook, and L. Schneider. 2010. Untangling a global decline in tropical forest resilience: constraints on the sustainability of shifting cultivation. Biotropica 42 (1): 21-30. |
2010 |
Publications |
C. Radel, B. Schmook, R. Roy Chowdhury. 2010. Agricultural Livelihood Transition in the Southern Yucatán Region: Diverging Paths and their Accompanying Land Changes. Regional Environmental Change 10 (3): 205-218. |
2010 |
Publications |
C. Radel, B. Schmook, and S. McCandless. 2010. Environment, Transnational Labor Migration, and Gender: Case Studies from Southern Yucatán, Mexico and Vermont, USA. Population and Environment 32 (2): 177-197. |
2010 |
Publications |
C. Busch and J. Geoghegan. 2010. Changes in Land Use Portfolios in the Southern Yucatan Region: The Role of Constraints and Incentives. Regional Environmental Change 10 (3): 191-204. |
2010 |
Publications |
J. Geoghegan, D. Lawrence, L. Schneider, and K. Tully. 2010. Accounting for Carbon in Models of Land Use and Implications for Payments for Environmental Services: An Application to Southern Yucatan. Regional Environmental Change 10 (3): 247-260. |
2010 |
Publications |
R. Roy Chowdhury. 2010. Differentiation and concordance in smallholder land use strategies in southern Mexico’s conservation frontier. Proceedings, National Academy of Sciences 107 (13): 5780-5785. |
2010 |
Publications |
X. Rueda. 2010. Understanding Deforestation in the Southern Yucatán: Insights from a Sub-Regional, Multi-Temporal Analysis. Regional Environmental Change 10 (3): 175-190. |
2010 |
Publications |
C. B. Busch and C. Vance. 2010. The Diffusion of Cattle Ranching and Deforestation: Prospects for a Hollow Frontier in Mexico’s Yucatán. Land Economics (forthcoming). |
2010 |
Publications |
B. Schmook. 2010. Shifting Maize Cultivation and Secondary Vegetation in the Southern Yucatán: Forest Impacts of Temporal Intensification. Regional Environmental Change 10 (3): 233-246. |
2009 |
Billie Turner |
Publications |
B. L. Turner II. 2009. Sustainability and forest transitions in the southern Yucatán: The land architecture approach. Land Use Policy 27 (2): 170-179. |
2009 |
Publications |
Eaton, J. M. and D. Lawrence. 2009. Loss of carbon sequestration potential after several decades of shifting cultivation. Forest Ecology and Management 258: 949-958. doi.10.1016/j.foreco.2008.10.019 |
2009 |
Publications |
C. Radel and B. Schmook. 2009. Migration and Gender: The Case of a Farming Ejido in Calakmul, Mexico. Yearbook of the Association of Pacific Coast Geographers 71: 14-163. |
2009 |
Publications |
B. Schmook and C. Vance. 2009. Agricultural Policy, Market Barriers, and Deforestations: The Case of Mexico's Southern Yucatán. World Development 37 (5): 1015-1025. |
2008 |
Publications |
Messina, J. P., T. P. Evans, S. M. Manson, A. M. Shortridge, P. J. Deadman, and P. H. Verburg. 2008. Complex systems models and the management of error and uncertainty. Journal of Land Use Science. Journal of Land Use Science, 3 (1): 11-25. |
2008 |
Billie Turner |
Publications |
B. L. Turner II. 2008. The Southern Yucatán Peninsular Region (SYPR) Project: Deforestation and land change in a seasonal tropical forest and economic frontier. Newsletter of the Global Land Project, No.3 (Jan.), pp. 8-10. (International Project Office, Copenhagen). |
2008 |
Publications |
Schneider, L. C.. 2008. Plant Invasions in an Agricultural Frontier: Linking satellite, ecological and household survey data. In Land Change Science in the Tropics: Changing Agricultural Landscapes, A. Millington and W. Jepson eds. Kluwer publishers. Pp. 117-140. |
2008 |
Publications |
Alayón-Gamboa, J. A. and Gurri-García, F. D. 2008. Home Garden Production and Energetic Sustainability in Calakmul, Campeche, Mexico. Human Ecology 36: 295-307. |
2008 |
Publications |
DeLonge, M., P. D’Odorico, and D. Lawrence. 2008. Feedbacks between phosphorus deposition and canopy cover: the emergence of multiple stable states in dry tropical forests. Global Change Biology 14: 154-160. |
2008 |
Publications |
Radel, C. and Schmook, B. 2008. Male Transnational Migration and its Linkages to Land -Use Change in a Southern Campeche Ejido. Journal of Latin American Geography 7(2): 59-83. |
2008 |
Publications |
Weterings, M.J.L., S.M. Weterings-Schonck, H.F.M. Vester, S. Calmé. 2008. Senescence of Manilkara zapota trees and implications for large frugivorous birds in the Southern Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. Forest Ecology and Management. 256:1604-1611. |
2008 |
Publications |
Parker, D. C., B. Entwisle, R. R. Rindfuss, L. K. VanWey, S. M. Manson, E. Moran, L. An, P. Deadman, T. Evans, M. Linderman, S. M. Mussavi Rizi, and G. Malanson. 2008. Case studies, cross-site comparisons, and the challenge of generalization: comparing agent-based models of land-use change in frontier regions. Journal of Land use Science 3 (1): 41-72. |
2008 |
Publications |
Tun Dzul, F., Vester, H.F.M., Durán García, R, Schmook, B. 2008. Estructura arbórea y variabilidad temporal del NDVI en los bajos inundables. Polibotánica 25: 69-90. |
2008 |
Publications |
B. Schmook and C. Radel. 2008. International Labor Migration from a Tropical Development Frontier:Globalizing Households and an Incipient Forest Transition The Southern Yucatán Case. Human Ecology 36 (6):891-908. |
2007 |
Publications |
Manson, S. M. 2007. Does scale exist? An epistemological scale continuum for complex human-environment systems. Geoforum 39(2): 776-788. |
2007 |
Publications |
Diekmann, L. O., D. Lawrence, and G. S. Okin. 2007. Changes in the spatial variation of soil properties following shifting cultivation in a Mexican dry forest. Biogeochemistry 84: 99-113. |
2007 |
Publications |
Alayón Gamboa, J. A. y F. D. Gurri. 2007. Flujo y balance energético en los agroecosistemas de campesinos tradicionales y convencionales del sur de Calakmul, Campeche, México. en: Gonzalez Jácome A, Del Amo R.S. y Gurri FD. (Eds.) Los nuevos caminos de la agricultura: Procesos de conversión y perspectivas Universidad Iberoamerican Plaza y Valdez SA de CV México D.F. pp. 243-260. |
2007 |
Publications |
Manson, S. and T. Evans. 2007. Agent-based modeling of deforestation in southern Yucatáb, Mexico, and reforestation in the midwest United States. Proceedings, National Academy of Science USA 104 (52): 20678-20679. |
2007 |
Publications |
Lawrence, D., P. D'Odorico, L. Diekmann, M. DeLonge, R. Das and J. Eaton, Ecological feedbacks following deforestation create the potential for a catastrophic ecosystem shift in tropical dry forest, Proc. Natnl Acad. Sci, USA, PNAS, vol. 104, no. 52, 104:20696-20701, 2007. |
2007 |
NASA LCLUC Science Team Presentation |
Landscape Vulnerability and Resilience |
2007 |
Publications |
González Abraham, A., B. Schmook, and S. Calmé. 2007. Distribución espacio-temporal del las actividades extractivas en los bosques del ejido Caoba, Quintana Roo. Investigaciones Geográficas, Boletín del Instituto de Geografía, UNAM. Núm. 62: 69-86. |
2007 |
Publications |
Parker, D. C., D. G. Brown, J. G. Polhill, P. J. Deadman and S. M. Manson (2007). Illustrating a new 'conceptual design pattern' for agent-based models of land use via five case studies—the MR POTATOHEAD framework. In Agent-Based Modelling in Natural Resource Management. A. L. Paredes and C. H. Iglesias (eds). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education, pp. 25-51. |
2007 |
Publications |
González Abraham, A., B. Schmook, and S. Calmé. 2007. Distribucíon espacio-temporal del lad actividades extractivas en los bosques del ejido Caoba, Quintana Roo. Investigaciones Geográficas, Boletín del Instituto de Geografía, UNAM. Núm. 62: 79-86. |
2006 |
Publications |
Schneider, L.C. and Geoghegan J. 2006. Land Abandonment in an Agricultural Frontier after Bracken Fern Invasion: Linking Satellite, Ecological and Household Survey Data. Agricultural Resources Economic Review 35(1): 1-11. |
2006 |
Publications |
Eaton, J. and D. Lawrence. 2006. Woody debris stocks and fluxes during succession in a dry tropical forest. Forest Ecology and Management 232: 46-55. |
2006 |
Publications |
Manson, S. M. 2007. Challenges in evaluating models of geographic complexity. Environment and Planning B 32(2): 245-260. |
2006 |
Publications |
Manson, S. M. 2006. Land use in the Southern Yucatan Peninsular Region of Mexico: scenarios of population and institutional change. Computers, Environment, and Urban Systems 30(3): 230-253. |
2006 |
Publications |
Manson, S. M. 2006. Bounded rationality in agent-based models: experiments with evolutionary programs. International Journal of Geographic Information Science 20(9): 991-1012. |
2006 |
Publications |
Schneider, L. C. 2006. Invasive species and land-use: The effect of land management practices on bracken fern invasion in the region of Calakmul, Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography 5(2): 91-107. |
2006 |
Publications |
Schneider L.C. 2006. Invasive Species and Land-use: The Effect of Land Management Practices on Bracken Fern Invasion in the Region of Calakmul, Mexico. Journal of Latin America Geography 5(2): 91-107. |
2006 |
Billie Turner |
Publications |
Roy Chowdhury, R. and B. L. Turner II. 2006. Reconciling Agency and Structure in Empirical Analysis: Smallholder Land Use in the Southern Yucatán, Mexico. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 96(2): 302-322. |
2006 |
Publications |
Roy Chowdhury, R. 2006. Landscape change in the Calakmul Biosphere Reserve, Mexico: Modeling the driving forces of smallholder deforestation in land parcels. Applied Geography 26(2): 129-152. |
2006 |
Publications |
Roy Chowdhury, R. 2006. Driving forces of tropical deforestation: The role of remote sensing and spatial models. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography 27: 82-101. |
2006 |
Publications |
Keys, E. and R. Roy Chowdhury. 2006. Cash Crops, Smallholder Decision Making and Institutional Interactions in a Closing Frontier, Calakmul, Campeche, Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography 5(2): 75-90. |
2006 |
Publications |
Fuller, D.O and R. Roy Chowdhury. 2006. Monitoring and modelling tropical deforestation: Introduction to the special issue. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography 27: 1-3. |
2003 |
Annual Progress Report |
Land-Cover and Land-Change (LCLUC) in the Southern Yucatán Peninsular Region (SYPR): Refining Models & Projections of Deforestation with Application to the Carbon Cycle, Biotic Diversity & Regeneration Capacity, Sustainability & Vulnerability |