Landscape Vulnerability-Resilience in the Southern Yucatan Peninsular Region (SYPR)

Project Documents

Year Authors Type Title
2017 John Rogan
Billie Turner
Publications Millones, M., Rogan, J., II, B., Parmentier, B., Harris, R.C. and Griffith, D.A., 2017. Fire Data as Proxy for Anthropogenic Landscape Change in the Yucatán. Land, 6(3), p.61.
2011 Publications Das, R., Lawrence, D., D’Odorico, P., and M. DeLonge. Land use change impacts on atmospheric P inputs to a tropical dry forest: Implications for theories of ecosystem state shifts. Journal of Geophysical Research—Biogeosciences. (in review).
2011 Publications C. Radel. Gendered Livelihoods and the Politics of Socio-Environmental Identity: Women’s Participation in Conservation Projects in Calakmul, Mexico. Gender, Place, and Culture (forthcoming)
2011 Publications C. Radel, C. Outcomes of Conservation Alliances with Women’s Community-Based Organizations in Southern Mexico. Society & Natural Resources (forthcoming).
2011 Publications Roy Chowdhury, R. 2007. Household land management and biodiversity: Secondary succession in a forest-agriculture mosaic, Yucatán, Mexico. Ecology and Society (in press).
2011 Publications Keys, E. nd. Market Integration and Market Realities on the Mexican Frontier: The Case of Calakmul, Campeche, Mexico, IN W. Jepson and A. Millington, eds. Beyond the primary transition: Land use and land cover change in agricultural areas (forthcoming).
2011 Publications Vallejo Nieto, M.I. y Gurri, F. D. nd. Vulnerabilidad en campesinos tradicionales y convencionales de Calakmul, Campeche, méxico Secuelas del Huracán “Isidoro.” Estudios de Antropología Biológica 13 (forthcoming).
2010 Publications F. D. Gurri. 2010. Smallholder Land-Use in the Southern Yucatán: How Culture and History Matter. Regional Environmental Change 10 (3): 219-232.
2010 Publications Schneider, L. nd. Plant Invasions in an Agricultural Frontier: Linking Satellite, Ecological and Household Survey Data. In: Land Change Science in the Tropics: Changing Agricultural Landscapes, Andrew Millington and Wendy Jepson eds. Kluwer publishers. 2010.
2010 Billie Turner Publications B. L. Turner II, guest ed. 2010. Special Issue on Land Change in the Southern Yucatán: Case Studies in Land Change Science. Special feature, Regional Environmental Change 10 (3): 169-174.
2010 Publications Schneider, L. C. and N. Fernando. 2010. An Untidy Cover: Invasion of Bracken Fern in in the shifting cultivation systems of Southern Yucatán, Mexico. Biotropica 42 (1):41-48.
2010 Publications Schmook, B., R. Dickson, F. Sangermano, J. Vadjunec, R. Eastman, and J. Rogan. 2010. A Step-Wise Land-Cover Classification of the Tropical Forests of the Southern Yucatán, Mexico. International Journal of Remote Sensing (Forthcoming).
2010 Publications Lawrence, D., K. Tully, C. Radel, B. Scmook, and L. Schneider. 2010. Untangling a global decline in tropical forest resilience: constraints on the sustainability of shifting cultivation. Biotropica 42 (1): 21-30.
2010 Publications C. Radel, B. Schmook, R. Roy Chowdhury. 2010. Agricultural Livelihood Transition in the Southern Yucatán Region: Diverging Paths and their Accompanying Land Changes. Regional Environmental Change 10 (3): 205-218.
2010 Publications C. Radel, B. Schmook, and S. McCandless. 2010. Environment, Transnational Labor Migration, and Gender: Case Studies from Southern Yucatán, Mexico and Vermont, USA. Population and Environment 32 (2): 177-197.
2010 Publications C. Busch and J. Geoghegan. 2010. Changes in Land Use Portfolios in the Southern Yucatan Region: The Role of Constraints and Incentives. Regional Environmental Change 10 (3): 191-204.
2010 Publications J. Geoghegan, D. Lawrence, L. Schneider, and K. Tully. 2010. Accounting for Carbon in Models of Land Use and Implications for Payments for Environmental Services: An Application to Southern Yucatan. Regional Environmental Change 10 (3): 247-260.
2010 Publications R. Roy Chowdhury. 2010. Differentiation and concordance in smallholder land use strategies in southern Mexico’s conservation frontier. Proceedings, National Academy of Sciences 107 (13): 5780-5785.
2010 Publications X. Rueda. 2010. Understanding Deforestation in the Southern Yucatán: Insights from a Sub-Regional, Multi-Temporal Analysis. Regional Environmental Change 10 (3): 175-190.
2010 Publications C. B. Busch and C. Vance. 2010. The Diffusion of Cattle Ranching and Deforestation: Prospects for a Hollow Frontier in Mexico’s Yucatán. Land Economics (forthcoming).
2010 Publications B. Schmook. 2010. Shifting Maize Cultivation and Secondary Vegetation in the Southern Yucatán: Forest Impacts of Temporal Intensification. Regional Environmental Change 10 (3): 233-246.
2009 Billie Turner Publications B. L. Turner II. 2009. Sustainability and forest transitions in the southern Yucatán: The land architecture approach. Land Use Policy 27 (2): 170-179.
2009 Publications Eaton, J. M. and D. Lawrence. 2009. Loss of carbon sequestration potential after several decades of shifting cultivation. Forest Ecology and Management 258: 949-958. doi.10.1016/j.foreco.2008.10.019
2009 Publications C. Radel and B. Schmook. 2009. Migration and Gender: The Case of a Farming Ejido in Calakmul, Mexico. Yearbook of the Association of Pacific Coast Geographers 71: 14-163.
2009 Publications B. Schmook and C. Vance. 2009. Agricultural Policy, Market Barriers, and Deforestations: The Case of Mexico's Southern Yucatán. World Development 37 (5): 1015-1025.
2008 Publications Messina, J. P., T. P. Evans, S. M. Manson, A. M. Shortridge, P. J. Deadman, and P. H. Verburg. 2008. Complex systems models and the management of error and uncertainty. Journal of Land Use Science. Journal of Land Use Science, 3 (1): 11-25.
2008 Billie Turner Publications B. L. Turner II. 2008. The Southern Yucatán Peninsular Region (SYPR) Project: Deforestation and land change in a seasonal tropical forest and economic frontier. Newsletter of the Global Land Project, No.3 (Jan.), pp. 8-10. (International Project Office, Copenhagen).
2008 Publications Schneider, L. C.. 2008. Plant Invasions in an Agricultural Frontier: Linking satellite, ecological and household survey data. In Land Change Science in the Tropics: Changing Agricultural Landscapes, A. Millington and W. Jepson eds. Kluwer publishers. Pp. 117-140.
2008 Publications Alayón-Gamboa, J. A. and Gurri-García, F. D. 2008. Home Garden Production and Energetic Sustainability in Calakmul, Campeche, Mexico. Human Ecology 36: 295-307.
2008 Publications DeLonge, M., P. D’Odorico, and D. Lawrence. 2008. Feedbacks between phosphorus deposition and canopy cover: the emergence of multiple stable states in dry tropical forests. Global Change Biology 14: 154-160.
2008 Publications Radel, C. and Schmook, B. 2008. Male Transnational Migration and its Linkages to Land -Use Change in a Southern Campeche Ejido. Journal of Latin American Geography 7(2): 59-83.
2008 Publications Weterings, M.J.L., S.M. Weterings-Schonck, H.F.M. Vester, S. Calmé. 2008. Senescence of Manilkara zapota trees and implications for large frugivorous birds in the Southern Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. Forest Ecology and Management. 256:1604-1611.
2008 Publications Parker, D. C., B. Entwisle, R. R. Rindfuss, L. K. VanWey, S. M. Manson, E. Moran, L. An, P. Deadman, T. Evans, M. Linderman, S. M. Mussavi Rizi, and G. Malanson. 2008. Case studies, cross-site comparisons, and the challenge of generalization: comparing agent-based models of land-use change in frontier regions. Journal of Land use Science 3 (1): 41-72.
2008 Publications Tun Dzul, F., Vester, H.F.M., Durán García, R, Schmook, B. 2008. Estructura arbórea y variabilidad temporal del NDVI en los bajos inundables. Polibotánica 25: 69-90.
2008 Publications B. Schmook and C. Radel. 2008. International Labor Migration from a Tropical Development Frontier:Globalizing Households and an Incipient Forest Transition The Southern Yucatán Case. Human Ecology 36 (6):891-908.
2007 Publications Manson, S. M. 2007. Does scale exist? An epistemological scale continuum for complex human-environment systems. Geoforum 39(2): 776-788.
2007 Publications Diekmann, L. O., D. Lawrence, and G. S. Okin. 2007. Changes in the spatial variation of soil properties following shifting cultivation in a Mexican dry forest. Biogeochemistry 84: 99-113.
2007 Publications Alayón Gamboa, J. A. y F. D. Gurri. 2007. Flujo y balance energético en los agroecosistemas de campesinos tradicionales y convencionales del sur de Calakmul, Campeche, México. en: Gonzalez Jácome A, Del Amo R.S. y Gurri FD. (Eds.) Los nuevos caminos de la agricultura: Procesos de conversión y perspectivas Universidad Iberoamerican Plaza y Valdez SA de CV México D.F. pp. 243-260.
2007 Publications Manson, S. and T. Evans. 2007. Agent-based modeling of deforestation in southern Yucatáb, Mexico, and reforestation in the midwest United States. Proceedings, National Academy of Science USA 104 (52): 20678-20679.
2007 Publications Lawrence, D., P. D'Odorico, L. Diekmann, M. DeLonge, R. Das and J. Eaton, Ecological feedbacks following deforestation create the potential for a catastrophic ecosystem shift in tropical dry forest, Proc. Natnl Acad. Sci, USA, PNAS, vol. 104, no. 52, 104:20696-20701, 2007.
2007 NASA LCLUC Science Team Presentation Landscape Vulnerability and Resilience
2007 Publications González Abraham, A., B. Schmook, and S. Calmé. 2007. Distribución espacio-temporal del las actividades extractivas en los bosques del ejido Caoba, Quintana Roo. Investigaciones Geográficas, Boletín del Instituto de Geografía, UNAM. Núm. 62: 69-86.
2007 Publications Parker, D. C., D. G. Brown, J. G. Polhill, P. J. Deadman and S. M. Manson (2007). Illustrating a new 'conceptual design pattern' for agent-based models of land use via five case studies—the MR POTATOHEAD framework. In Agent-Based Modelling in Natural Resource Management. A. L. Paredes and C. H. Iglesias (eds). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education, pp. 25-51.
2007 Publications González Abraham, A., B. Schmook, and S. Calmé. 2007. Distribucíon espacio-temporal del lad actividades extractivas en los bosques del ejido Caoba, Quintana Roo. Investigaciones Geográficas, Boletín del Instituto de Geografía, UNAM. Núm. 62: 79-86.
2006 Publications Schneider, L.C. and Geoghegan J. 2006. Land Abandonment in an Agricultural Frontier after Bracken Fern Invasion: Linking Satellite, Ecological and Household Survey Data. Agricultural Resources Economic Review 35(1): 1-11.
2006 Publications Eaton, J. and D. Lawrence. 2006. Woody debris stocks and fluxes during succession in a dry tropical forest. Forest Ecology and Management 232: 46-55.
2006 Publications Manson, S. M. 2007. Challenges in evaluating models of geographic complexity. Environment and Planning B 32(2): 245-260.
2006 Publications Manson, S. M. 2006. Land use in the Southern Yucatan Peninsular Region of Mexico: scenarios of population and institutional change. Computers, Environment, and Urban Systems 30(3): 230-253.
2006 Publications Manson, S. M. 2006. Bounded rationality in agent-based models: experiments with evolutionary programs. International Journal of Geographic Information Science 20(9): 991-1012.
2006 Publications Schneider, L. C. 2006. Invasive species and land-use: The effect of land management practices on bracken fern invasion in the region of Calakmul, Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography 5(2): 91-107.
2006 Publications Schneider L.C. 2006. Invasive Species and Land-use: The Effect of Land Management Practices on Bracken Fern Invasion in the Region of Calakmul, Mexico. Journal of Latin America Geography 5(2): 91-107.
2006 Billie Turner Publications Roy Chowdhury, R. and B. L. Turner II. 2006. Reconciling Agency and Structure in Empirical Analysis: Smallholder Land Use in the Southern Yucatán, Mexico. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 96(2): 302-322.
2006 Publications Roy Chowdhury, R. 2006. Landscape change in the Calakmul Biosphere Reserve, Mexico: Modeling the driving forces of smallholder deforestation in land parcels. Applied Geography 26(2): 129-152.
2006 Publications Roy Chowdhury, R. 2006. Driving forces of tropical deforestation: The role of remote sensing and spatial models. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography 27: 82-101.
2006 Publications Keys, E. and R. Roy Chowdhury. 2006. Cash Crops, Smallholder Decision Making and Institutional Interactions in a Closing Frontier, Calakmul, Campeche, Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography 5(2): 75-90.
2006 Publications Fuller, D.O and R. Roy Chowdhury. 2006. Monitoring and modelling tropical deforestation: Introduction to the special issue. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography 27: 1-3.
2003 Annual Progress Report Land-Cover and Land-Change (LCLUC) in the Southern Yucatán Peninsular Region (SYPR): Refining Models & Projections of Deforestation with Application to the Carbon Cycle, Biotic Diversity & Regeneration Capacity, Sustainability & Vulnerability