10/15/2011: Advancing methods for global crop area estimation |
09/01/2011: A Satellite Supported Inverse Biophysical Modeling Approach for the Detection of Irrigated Agricultural Land and the Determination of the Amount of Irrigation in Arid and Semi Arid Regions |
07/01/2011: Mapping of Urban Expansion Using Multi-Decadal Landsat and Nightlights Data Over North America |
07/01/2011: The Impact of Disappearing Tropical Andean Glaciers on Pastoral Agriculture |
05/31/2011: Quantifying Changes in Agricultural Intensification and Expansion in Monsoon Asia during 2000-2010 |
05/03/2011: Changing Field Sizes of the Conterminous United States, a Decennial Landsat Assessment |
05/01/2011: 200 Years of Land Use and Land Cover Changes and their Driving Forces in the Carpathian Basin in Central Europe |
05/01/2011: Multi-sensor Fusion to Determine Climate Sensitivity of Agricultural Intensification in South Asia |
04/29/2011: Socio-economic and Political Drivers of Oil Palm Expansion in Indonesia: Effects on Rural Livelihoods, Carbon Emissions and REDD |
04/15/2011: Using Landsat Global Land Survey Data to Measure and Monitor Worldwide Urbanization |
04/01/2011: Multi-Scale and Multi-Sensor Analysis of Urban Cluster Development and Agricultural Land Loss in China and India |
02/08/2011: Rates and Drivers of Land Use Land Cover Change in the Agricultural Frontier of Mato Grosso, Brazil |
01/28/2011: Linking Historical and Future Land-Use Change to the Economic Drivers and Biophysical Limitations of Agricultural Expansion in the Brazilian Cerrado |